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Monday, April 16, 2012

Wrestlemania 28: Rock or Cena?

WrestleMania 28 was filled with action, drama and a lot of excitement. As a fan, I was thrilled to watch all of the matches live and up close. Now that WrestleMania is over, I would like to share my thoughts and reflections with all of you. I do apologize for this Blog taking so long. Hopefully you all enjoy it.

Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve

My Prediction: Winners: Kelly Kelly and Maria

Who Really Won: Kelly Kelly and Maria- I was 1 and 0.

Although I predicted that Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos would win this match I wasn’t happy that my prediction was correct. Beth is one of the most talented divas in the WWE and a great, skilled technical wrestler. I don’t agree with how she has been being used lately. She and Eve should have easily won this match. I am not really sure what creative was thinking. Beth being pinned for the second time by Maria was really ridiculous. However I do understand Celebrities Winning on the grandest stage of them all. Would have been a special moment for Beth though.

Kane vs. Randy Orton

My Prediction: Winner: Randy Orton

Who Really Won: Kane-  I was 1 and 1

This was a pretty decent match considering that a lot of people weren’t focused on their feud. Both Kane and Orton gave it their all.  In the end, The Red Monster choke slammed  Orton. I think this took a lot of people by surprise because toward the end, The Viper looked like he had it won. Even though their Fued has been a little on the boring side, I am about ready for something new. However I did enjoy their match and hopefully after Extreme Rules, Kane can go after someone else. I wouldn’t mind Kane Vs Sheamus at all going into SummerSlam. However, Congrats to my Buddy Kane. He needs a few Wrestlemania Moments (Besides Chokeslamming Pete Rose)


Team Johnny vs. Team Teddy

My Prediction: Winners: Team Johnny

Who Really Won: Team Johnny- I was 2 and 1.

I had a strong feeling that Team Johnny would win and that The Miz would play a role in the team’s victory. After all, did you really think that The Miz wouldn’t be a part of WrestleMania? He is totally AWESOME! I look for Johnny, as  the new GM of Smack Down and Raw, to bring a lot of controversy and excitement to both shows. I enjoy John being GM because I think it adds a whole lot more drama on to the shows which was needed in that department. I’m not a big fan of Face GM’s because I have always felt that in this business, it Needs to be the GOOD guys to overcome, not the heel. Congrats to Team Johnny…Oh and the Eve/Ryder thing, was not needed at Wrestlemania.

The Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes

My Prediction: Winner Cody Rhodes

Who Really Won: The Big Show – I was 2 and 2

The Big Show’s losing streak at WrestleMania finally came to an end after he gave Cody a knockout punch. I am happy for Show because he deserved a WrestleMania moment. On the Flip side, Cody Needs the IC title a whole lot more than Show does. However, I do believe that Cody will play a big role in the future of the WWE. Cody can only go UP from here and I just hope it comes soon. Cody Is so talented and probably my favorite on Smackdown right now. I do look for Cody to hold many more championship titles in the future.

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

My Prediction: Winner: Sheamus

Who Really Won: Sheamus – I was 3 and 2

As a wrestling fan, I expected to see a match. I was kind of surprised and yet very upset that Sheamus won in just 18 seconds. Sheamus is one of my favorites and I am excited that he won the title. However, I just didn’t expect the kiss of death to do in poor Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan is another one of my favorites and I support him 100%. I love that the fans have really gotten behind him after Wrestlemania cause to be honest, I am not afraid to make this Comparison. Daniel Bryan is the Next (Wrestling wise only guys, ik I’ll get smart remarks for this) Chris Benoit in that respect. Chris was a all-around Athlete and he could wrestle anyone and have a great match.) I am a big fan of Sheamus and I knew he would win the title at Mania this year. However I was major disappointed about the win.

Jericho vs. Punk

My Prediction: Winner: Jericho- I was 3 and 3

It was actually a good idea to have Punk retain his title by forcing Jericho to tap out to the Anaconda Vice. This allows their feud to continue. Both men have great mic skills and are doing a fantastic job with their story line. I do look for Jericho to pull off a shocker at Extreme Rules, in Chicago. I know a lot of people are upset with this particular storyline, but I am not. A lot of people have this problem (alcoholism) and to be honest it’s a perfect way to get people emotionally involved. The Roles are kinda reversed in a way when Punk was a heel and Jeff Hardy was still in WWE. Theirs was about Drugs whicih is also a touchy subject. Just intresting TV I say.


The Undertaker vs. Triple HHH

My Prediction: Winner: The Undertaker- I am 4 and 3

I am so happy about this match because other than the First HBK/Taker match at Wrestlemania. This was by far the besti have ever seen. Both Taker and Triple H took a lot of punishment that night. The match was about thirty minutes long and chair shots, steel steps and sledge hammers left both men with welts and bruises.  It was awesome to see these two legends in the ring along with Shawn and no matter who won, I respect all three men a lot. I truly felt that this was a End of an Era. Shawn is retired; we have an untold story of Undertaker and Triple and where they stand in the WWE. That match was by far the best of the night and rightfully so. Kudos to Triple H and Undertaker. Shawn added a lot of extra emotion and it really added a lot to this match. I loved the hug at the end as well. All I can say is…Fantastic Match!

John Cena vs. The Rock

My Prediction: Who Will Win: The Rock

Who Really Won- The Rock- I am 5 and 3

This was the most anticipated match on the card. I had a feeling that Cena was going down on this night. I thought John Cena in my mind would win. My heart told Rocky. The Rock showed why he is one of the best in the business by delivering “The Rock Bottom” and getting the victory over Cena. I don’t think their feud has ended. Cena will be pretty busy dealing with both Brock and The Rock in the future. I do give Cena a lot of credit as he is a tough competitor. This match was very good and considering what they had to follow up, they did an excellent job. Rocky really did show why he is “The Greatest Superstar of all-Time.” Congrats to Rock and John for putting on a great Main-Event that had a story told for over a year. I wouldn’t mind a Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena Vs Rock match at SummerSlam this year. Only because Brock beat Rock at SummerSlam 02 I think. Also you have the story with Cena and rock. Only adds to it and I think it would be great to have such a main event without a Title.


I know this doesn’t have much about Wrestlemania but this part is about the Night After.

Thank You to the fans for giving an amazing ending to that weekend. The fans in attendance in the American Airlines Arena really made their mark in History. They made their voices heard due to the dismay of Daniel Bryan. I am in total support and I am glad the fans have continued this Trend in the weeks to come. Brock Lesnar returned and really gave a shocking moment for Raw as well. I am very happy Brock is back and I am expecting Great things. He has returned to a place that made him famous in the first place.


I hope that you enjoyed reading my WrestleMania reflections. I am sorry for the delay. However, as always, please feel free to comment and let me know what your thoughts were about WrestleMania 28. I also want to thank all of you again for your warm wishes and support on my Hall of Fame induction. Nothing would be possible without all of you, my fans. So thanks.

                         ~ Adam~

Here is a Speical Wallpaper in tribute to Daniel Bryan. YES!YES!YES!

WWE wallpaper
Credit Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers (C)


  1. Great blog, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

  2. I really expected to see a solid match between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan,like those matches between Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle,i really hate that the WWE is acting like Chris Benoit was a cancer,he was a sick person and needed help,and many accidents happen like that everyday,i really liked the match between Randy and Kane,i'm happy that they are pushing Kane,and i think he needs a title run soon.
    I'm not happy about the way that they are using the divas,coz they have many talented girls,but they don't know how to use them...I think the Brodus Clay dance wasn't necessary at Wrestlemania,i don't like the Frankasauras gimmick at all...The Hell in a cell match was like a legendary epic battle from a history book,that's all what i can say about it...Rock vs. Cena was another great match,i was so happy for The Rock,coz i'm bored of Cena,and i'm a fan of The Rock since a long time,and he is what a real entertainer should be,i know that,that feud is not over yet,and i hope that what The Rock said about a title run come true.

    Man,i would like to thank about everything,you are an inspiration to me,and whenever i feel down and i watch you talking about how you decided to achieve your dreams,i be out of the dark side,and i want to thank your mom so much,i really wish if she was my mom too :) she supported you and believed in you,what a simple great thing,that my parents didn't do to me,i'm 25 years old now and i haven't started yet my wrestling training coz i'm from Egypt and i need to move to the states to achieve my dream,but i will not give up coz you inspire me,thank you so much,i love you so much.
    Thank you for everything,Thank you.
