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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who went Over the Limit?

Hello everyone,

Last night was Over the Limit and boy did a few of the matches did just that. I was very proud of all the guys who participated in the event. The show started out with a YouTube Match as a Pre-Show Match.

Kane vs. Zack Ryder

I honestly didn’t watch this match and had no interest. Kind of glad it was on the Pre Show. That’s really all I’ll say lol

The show actually started for most of us with a People Power Battle Royal going on.

20 Man Battle Royal

Guys in this match included Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks, Great Khali, Tyson Kidd who actually lasted until the last 4. Miz, Alex Riley, David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Michael McGuillicuty, The Uso’s, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil, William Regal, Heath Slater, Big Zeke, Yoshi Tatsu, Jinder Mahal, JTG and the Returning Christian. IT was a good battle royal and it was great to see a lot of the young athletes out there. Also Great to see Curt and Tyler twice last night, (After the Battle Royal, they were assigned to go rip up signs from the crowd) The final 4 Was Tyson Kidd, Miz, David Otunga and Christian. IT was a great back and forth Series with Christian getting the win to pick which champion (IC or US) to go after. – Both Champions were at Ringside so at first Christian Pics Raw’s Own United States Champion Santino. However later in the night he over hears Cody bashing him, so Christian changes his mind and picks The IC Champion, Cody Rhodes.

Winner: New #1 Cont. to IC Championship, Christian

A friend of mine posted about something pretty interesting …here is his post.
Congratulations to Christian on becoming the New Intercontinental Champion, He hasn't held this Championship since August 10, 2003. This will be his fourth reign as Champion plus did you know that On 5/20/10, Christian beat Ziggler. On 5/20/11, Christian beat Sheamus. On 5/20/12, Christian beat Rhodes to win the IC title.

Seems like he's undefeated for May 20th?

*Credit to Pete Farr’s Facebook Page*

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth © Vs Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger


This was a fabulous tag team match. It was very traditional and very exciting towards the end. It was predictable but it was still very fun. All 4 guys did great in this match and even though Dolph should be in the main events, he needs to stay with Swagger and help develop the Tag division back.

Divas Championship

Layla © Vs Beth Phoenix

This match was just how I thought it was going be. Wasn’t anything spectacular and to be honest, I thought Layla did a great job. I did expect a surprising victory as like a Upset so that works on behalf of Layla cause where she just came back.  However I don’t think layla is working as well as she could be so I don’t think she will have a long reign as champion. To be honest, I see her holding the title only for Kharma to come back, probably around SummerSlam.

Winner and still Divas Champion: Layla

Brodus Clay Vs Miz

I don’t agree with putting this on PPV. The dancing was horrible but funny. I just hated seeing miz being put that threw that. Miz deserves better than that. This was a squash match at its best and that’s all I’ll say about it.

Winner: Brodus Clay

World Heavyweight Championship: Fatal 4 Way

Sheamus © Vs Chris Jericho Vs Randy Orton Vs Alberto Del Rio

I knew this was going to be a good match and it was just that. I thought they did a great job at entertaining the fans. I had a feeling sheamus would win but I wanted Jericho to win badly. Ive always felt it’s more of an enjoyment when a heel is the champion.  With the storyline alone, it would have made more since for him to have pinned Orton but the last 5 mins with all the chain movies with all 4 men were great wrestling and I enjoyed every bit of it. Made me wonder who was actually going to win.

Winner and Still World Champion: Sheamus

IC Championship Match Cody Rhodes © Vs Christian

This match was good and really gave both men good offence. Thought they did what the their purpose was and I cannot wait for them to continue through summerslam. I am not going to dwell on this a whole lot because I think you guys know how I feel about this match lol. Congrats to my best friend for his 4th IC Championship. Welcome Back Bud!

Winner and New IC Champion, Christian!

Ryback Vs Camacho
This was a squash match. Ryback wins which should not have been on ppv. Expessially two in a row. If you want him to be on PPV, give him someone he can really challenge. At least Brodus has a challenge against a Former WWE Champion, Miz.
Winner: Ryback

WWE Championship Match

CM Punk © Vs Daniel Bryan

By Far the best match on the card and rightfully so. All I can say Is WOW! I am so proud of both men and hope to continue seeing this match on the card. Both men are wonderful wrestlers and they showed it during this match. They had a lot of submissions I haven’t even seen in years lol I loved it and it was a fantastic WRESTLING match. I totally agreed with the tapout/pinfall ending. Reminded me of the Me/Benoit tap out/Pinfall that put us in the World title #1 cont. matches. Gonna be a great few matches out of them and I can’t wait for them all. Hands down Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are on equal ground of Being the Best in the world right now. Neither one is better than the other. They are equally great!

Winner and Still WWE Champion – CM Punk

John Laurinaitis Vs John Cena

It was enjoyable to see John L get his ass kicked. Anyone who has ever been fired by Mr. L I am sure enjoyed this match lol however this was predictable but I did enjoy the beating. Big show coming out was not a shocker and to be honest. I love big show as a heel. Good crowd reaction though.

Winner and still GM Of Raw and Smackdown: John Laurinaitis

Thanks for reading! I did enjoy the PPV over all. I thought all the guys did a great job. The next PPV is No Way Out and so far there is one match Named.

John Cena Vs Big Show

Please let me know what your thoughts are.



  1. Great blog! Considering I was unable to watch this ppv I'm a little shocked by some of the matches. Personally I'm sick of seeing Brodus. I know a lot of fans love him and that's why he's getting the tv time but damn, I wanna see some REAL matches. Not these David and Goliath matches where Goliath ALWAYS wins. I wanna see them lose dang it and the same goes for Ryback lol. 20 man Battle Royal, I was so excited to hear that Christan was not only back but had won a chance to have a title match and later won the IC title. It's about damn time!! I really miss the tag division. I really think Reks and Hawkins are a good team and deserve more opportunity. Hopefully they'll start getting more ring time to help bring back the tag teams. As far as Divas Champ, I'd much rather see Beth Phoenix hold the title because I think she brings a little more prestige to the title. The divas division needs a little gusto or something because it's slacking for me too lol. Hopefully Karma will bring that fire back with her. Fatal 4way, I agree I wanted Jericho to win but I guess Sheamus will do for now lol. DBryan and Punk, I'm so sorry I missed this match. I heard it was phenominal and both guys gave it all as well as some special tributes. I was kinda hoping Johnny would lose but I guess there's a grander scheme in this plan that we obviously can't see lol. Well those are my thoughts and hopefully I won't miss another ppv lol.

  2. Great blog as usual, Adam!

    I did not order the ppv nor, did I go to my buddies place for the ppv. But i Did get to see CM Punk-Daniel Bryan, the Ryback squash match, and the Big Johnny-John Cena main event on a website that was streaming the ppv.

    The Punk-Bryan match was amazing. I was so happy to have been able to see it. Only great things can come from this program. I'm not sure where AJ fits in here though.

    The main event was as predictable as could be. I was Not impressed by that whatsoever.

    I am surprised that the WWE is putting on these squash matches with Brodus Clay and Ryback on a ppv.

    Ryback is pretty awesome though.
