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Monday, November 21, 2011

Aftermath of Surivor Series 2011

I am gonna start off by Congradulating my fellow Superstars on a job well done. I always feel bad when a superstar gets hurt and it ruins the match. Sin Cara did just that, however, I've never seen anyone botch so many moves. He can jump from the ground to the inside of the ring in his entrance but he can't jump from the inside to the outside and just jump over the ropes? I feel bad for him, really....I just hope this doesn't get him released.

Now to start on how the PPV went.....

United States Championship:

Dolph Ziggler (C) Vs John Morrison

Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison open the show and i am very glad they did. Dolph impresses the hell out of me everytime he wrestles. I enjoyed working with him and i knew the first day we locked up, he would be someone in this buisness. "Follow That!" - is what he always says and rightfully so!

They had one hell of a match and a great way to open. They had me thinking Morrison might just win this match. However, when he missed Starship Pain, I knew right then Ziggler will retain. Hell of a match and it makes me want to see what he will do next.

My Predictions: 0-1
Most Likely Predictions: 1-0

Diva's Championship

Beth Phenoix (C) Vs Eve

I will be honest, i got a little bored during this match. I kinda felt the continous beating on Beth was fake. Beth is so much stronger and it just didn't make since. I loved the "GrandSlam" off the top rope. You could actually see the fear in Eve's eyes when they were up there. I give Eve all the credit in the world, she is a great person and she is trying to get better in the ring. I just didn't quite understand why Eve had the title match and not Kelly Kelly. Oh Well, Good match by the Diva's and great win for Beth.

My Predictions: 1-1
Most Likely: 1-1

Team Barrett Vs Team Orton

I was starting to really get into this match until Sin Cara got hurt. To be honest, that tore up the entire vibe of this match for me. Well, Until the end of it anyways. This was a good match by all men and i really don't understand the reasoning for Dolph Ziggler to be in this match. He had a outstanding match and then he gets eliminated first? In the words of the Hurricane, "What up with that?"

I really felt Team Barrett should win this match and they did. I knew Sheamus would get DQed because why pin him when he is so hot right now? It doesn't faze if Orton gets pinned. I liked the ending except the cheap RKO on Cody. I kinda Felt Cody should have gotten the win but I understand the logic of Team Leader pinning Team Leader. Good showing by both Teams though. Hopefully this really pushes Barrett and Cody into the Main Event Scene.

My Predictions: 2-1
Most Likely: 1-2

World Heavyweight Championship

Mark Henry (C) Vs Big Show

During this match i honestly felt the Diva's match was more entertaining. They have over done alot of this already. I did enjoy the HBK Tribute. I get why the fans were chanting Randy Savage but that was a HBK Tribute from Big Show... A SuperKick and a Diving Elbow......I also like the ending where Show got the upperhand and took out Henry's ankle. The only thing is, i really hope this isn't the end of Henry's reign. Plus he was funny talking to the Refs and Trainers. "Dont touch me, OMG Help me lol" That was priceless. The match itself wasn't much but i enjoyed the ending. I wasn't thrilled with the "Kick heard around the world" for the DQ.

My Predictions: 3-1
Most Likely: 2-2

WWE Championship

Alberto Del Rio (C) Vs CM Punk

CM Punk winning the WWE Title was a great move by WWE. I just hope the title does NOT change hands again at least until Wrestlemania. By Far, this was the best match of the night. Both guys did a great job and really had the fans going. I loved the Tap out by Del Rio at the last min. CM Punk is really the best in the world and he showed it last night when he won. Congrats to Punk! You diserve it....

My Predictions: 3-2
Most Likely: 2-3

Awesome Truth Vs John Cena & The Rock

I can't really explain how great this was. I loved seeing the Rock back in action and he didn't miss a beat. The fans were great. However i think my favorite fan moment of the night was when Cena got tagged in the first time and the fans chanted " YOU CANT WRESTLE" - so what did cena do? he did a few new moves. He stands there after the chain of events and the fans chant - " YOU STILL CANT WRESTLE" lol The fans were on it last night. I also loved the " Who's your Daddy? " - To Cena last night as well. I knew one of them would do something but i enjoyed the Rock Bottom much better. I don't know how well the fans would have liked it if a AA went to the Rock.

Great atmosphere and great match. Awesome Truth did a great job.

The Promo by the Rock was fantastic! If anyone wants to become a wrestler, then please continue to watch The Rock. He still has "IT" in the ring and on the Mic. That promo was electric and i found myself chanting as well. I wasn't even there lol

Predictions: 3-3
Most Likely: 3-3

I think i did a pretty good job calling what i thought would happen or what should happen. Hopefully TLC ill do a little better.

Oh and i loved seeing Zack Ryder come out for the crowd, its a shame that the fans chanting more for people who wasn't in the match than who really was.

Thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoyed the PPV.

~ Adam ~


  1. Great blog and thanks for taking the time to recap. we really enjoy you taking the time out of your busy schedule to do so.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
