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Monday, August 15, 2011

Aftermath of SummerSlam 2011

SummerSlam kicked off with a bang when "The Miz" Came out and said he thanked the fans for telling the WWE that they wanted him to be in the ring for SummerSlam...Then a chant started " Miz is Awesome" as R-Truth came out. He got on the Mic and talked about Spiders, and all sorts of stuff, then Alberto Del Rio Came out in a $200,000 plus was beautiful....

Then Kofi Kingston, John Morrison and Rey Mysterio made their way to the ring.

Match 1: Miz, R-Truth And Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and Rey Mysterio

This match was as good as i expected. All these guys are so talented in that ring. The end came when Rey Mysterio went to hit a Double 619 to R-Truth and Miz, Miz moved and actually got it on R-Truth. Then he kicked Miz, ran to the top rope and Landed on R-Truth for the win.

Winners: Rey Mysterio, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston

Match 2: Mark Henry Vs Sheamus

I was enjoying the build- Up between the two so i was hoping for a good match. This didn't entirely dissappoint me. I was satisfied at the finish only because it didnt hurt either of them. The fans went crazy when Sheamus crashed threw the barracade, and sheamus was unable to make it back to the ring before the 10 count.

Winner: Mark Henry

Match 3: Wade Barrett vs Daniel Bryan

I was so happy with this match, i thought they put on a great performance. Both men had me hooked to see what was gonna happen next. I honestly thought it was done for when the Lebell lock was put on, yet Wade got to the ropes. The end came when Barrett Hit Daniel Bryan with the Wasteland to pick up the pinfall.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Match 4: Kelly Kelly (C) Vs Beth Phoenix  For the Diva's Championship

I really enjoyed this match, i haven't really enjoyed a Diva's match (match quality) in a long time. Kelly has really stepped up her game. The end came when Kelly Rolled up Beth for the Pinfall.

Winner: And Still Diva's Champion, Kelly Kelly

Match 5: World Champion Christian Vs Randy Orton - No Holds Barred (World Heavyweight Championship)

Before this match, Christian got on the mic to talk about his Insureance Policy.

Which happened to be Me :)

here is a video of this segement

Well after the match started, Christian and Randy had a classic. This match was everything i think everyone was hoping it would be and more. Tables, Kendo Sticks, Stairs, Rko's, Killswitch, ...and more.... at the end of the match, Randy walked away in Victory!

Winner: The New World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton

Match 6: WWE Champion CM Punk Vs WWE Champion John Cena with Speical Ref Triple H

I think like you all, i was excited to see this match too. I was hoping they would out do their Money in the Bank Match. I dont think they out did it, but it was really good. I loved the Chain Wrestling, The Submission Wrestling. I loved the Mixed Reaction, I heard quite a few chants like , " Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks" " Lets go CM Punk" - "Fruity Pebbles" then the one i loved was "Randy Savage" after Punk landed a Elbow Drop on Cena in Tribute.

The end came when Punk dropped Cena with a GTS for the second time in this match. Even though Cena's foot was on the ropes, Triple H didn't see it. Punk was declared the winner.

Winner: CM Punk

(Before i go on, i wanted to put this clip in ) This stuff was so funny

After CM Punk was Celebrating his Win, Big Daddy Cool came down and Attacked CM Punk.

Kevin Nash

Then Alberto Del Rio Runs down to the ring with a Ref and Cashes in his Money in the Bank Briefcase

Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk

Match 7: WWE Champion CM Punk Vs Alberto Del Rio

This was a fast match, actually the picture is the only thing that happened. He kicked him in the head and pinned him 1, 2, 3!

Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio

I really thought this ppv was very good. All the matches were done very well and all the men involved (and Women) did their best.

On Monday Night Raw we will hopefully get alot of Answers to all of these questions however One thing that is for sure on Raw.

New WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio Vs Rey Mysterio

Until then, Thanks for Reading as Always!


1 comment:

  1. I really liked reading your thoughts about the matches at Summer Slam. The You Tube links were a nice touch!!!
